New Movies VS. Old Movies: Which is Better?
I think everyone agrees that putting on a movie is a great way of bringing people together. But when it comes to picking a classic or a newer movie, which do you pick? In my opinion, older movies will always top new movies. I've seen just about every "classic" there is, like Silence of the Lambs, Top Gun, and Sixteen Candles, to name a few. Another reason I always enjoy an older movie is because so many movies come out every week these days, and lots of them are not great in my opinion. I prefer quality over quantity.
Not many movies were being made back in the 80’s and 90’s but when they were made they never failed. My all-time favorite movie The Green Mile came out in 1999 (which I know is not extremely old) and is one of the few movies that I actually enjoyed every minute of. It is by far one of the best stories ever told, and it was executed perfectly.
The only genre of movies that are made these days that I truly enjoy are thriller movies. But, like I said previously, there are so many movies being made now that there are lots of poorly made newer horror movies. The good horror movies being made today are just really good. I agree that the horror/thriller movies made back then are not as good as horror movies made today, probably because of the technological advances we have made since then.
All in all, good movies are good movies and bad movies are bad movies no matter when they were made, but taking into account all of the obstacles film producers had back in the day compared to how easy it is to put literally any idea onto a screen now, older movies are better.
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